
Wax Palm

د.إ2,200.00 ex. Vat

The Humid Chaco ecoregion includes Bolivia, Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil (in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul), and Argentina (particularly the province of Formosa, with less abundance in dryer regions). Copernicia alba is a South American species of palm tree. They frequently, but not always, create dense, monotypic forests. Its common names in Spanish, palma blanca, palma negra, and palma colorada (“white,” “black,” and “red” palms, respectively), demonstrate the many colors (and technical features) that the trunk assumes depending on its habitat. It is known as “water palm” or caranday in Guaran. Its trade name in English is wax palm, also known as the caranday wax palm (it is a member of the same genus as the carnauba wax palm).

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Size: 3M


The Wax Palm, scientifically known as Copernicia alba, is a palm tree that belongs to the Arecaceae family. It is native to South America, particularly found in countries like Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. The Wax Palm is well-known for its unique and attractive appearance, as well as its various practical uses.

Here are some key features and information about the Wax Palm:


The Wax Palm is a medium to large-sized tree, reaching heights of up to 80 feet (24 meters). It has a thick, grayish-brown trunk covered in a waxy layer, giving it a distinctive appearance. The trunk may also exhibit ring-like patterns caused by old leaf scars. At the top of the tree, a crown of large, fan-shaped leaves forms an elegant canopy.


The leaves of the tree are fan-shaped, with segments that radiate from a central point. They are usually bluish-green in color and can grow up to 5-8 feet (1.5-2.4 meters) in diameter.

Wax Coating:

The tree gets its name from the waxy layer that covers its trunk and leaves. This wax coating serves as a protective layer, reducing water loss and reflecting sunlight.

Practical Uses:

Various industries, including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and candle making, utilize the wax obtained from the Wax Palm. Additionally, people use the leaves of the Wax Palm for thatching roofs and creating handicrafts.


They are well-suited to tropical and subtropical climates. It thrive in full sun exposure and are tolerant of a range of soil types, including sandy or loamy soils. They can also withstand periods of drought but benefit from regular watering during dry spells.

Landscape and Ornamental Value:

People highly value the Wax Palm for its ornamental value and commonly use it in landscaping to create a tropical ambiance. Its unique trunk and fan-shaped leaves make it a visually appealing addition to gardens, parks, and urban landscapes.


It generally require minimal maintenance once established. Regular watering is necessary during dry periods to ensure healthy growth. Pruning is occasionally needed to remove dead or damaged fronds and maintain the tree’s appearance.

The Wax Palm’s distinctive appearance, practical uses, and adaptability make it a desirable palm tree in tropical and subtropical regions. It adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to landscapes, making it a popular choice for those seeking a tropical ambiance.


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